
Mobile Apps & Growing Your Fan Base

Mobile Apps: Your Direct Line to a Thriving Fanbase Forget shouting into the social media void. Mobile apps offer a direct, personalized connection with your most loyal supporters. Here’s why...

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Iterate Often & Upon Vetted Intel

The Iteration Game: Your Secret Weapon for Startup Success Forget the grand reveal. In the world of startups, constant evolution is the name of the game. It’s about embracing the...

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Be Tenacious & Be Careful

The Unconventional Entrepreneur: Grit, Partnerships, Ego, and a Pinch of Crazy Marketing The entrepreneurial journey is often painted as a glamorous adventure, but the reality is it’s a rollercoaster of...

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Who NOT to Trust When it Comes to Investors

One of the most important steps you can take in your startup journey is to find investors. But you have to be careful, you shouldn’t blindly follow just anyone. My...

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Things That Suck in Startups

When you’re first beginning, it’s important to understand the things that suck in startups along with the things that don’t. This can help you make better decisions from the beginning...

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Inc. Like a Boss

If you want to start a company, make sure you have a product or service to sell first. If the endeavor involves other people, you’ll want to incorporate with a...

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The Two Most Important Questions to Ask Yourself in a Startup

The questions are simple, yet without them, it could mean the difference between success and failure in your startup (and also your life).

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So, how can you attract (good) investors?

Do you know how to attract investors for your startup? What are the key things that startup (quality) investors are really looking for, above all else? In this quick, but...

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Co-founders. Why do you need them and how can you find a great one?

When you have a co-founder, you’re 3x more likely to scale in your startup and not need venture capital.

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The 10 Biggest Mistakes Made by Startup Founders

These are the top 10 things that newly-funded founders do that make them look like complete knuckleheads. You can watch the full video here:

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